It's been two weeks since I traveled to York to photograph 9-month-old Sophia Hope and her family. It has taken me this long to blog about it. I was waiting for the right words to come together. But what are the right words for an infant who was just diagnosed with brain cancer?
I realized there is nothing I can say. And I realized I was wasting time - time that could be spent praying for her.
I recently learned more people follow this blog than I thought...not just our clients, but friends and friends of friends.
Please visit Sophia's CaringBridge page, or her FB page if you'd like to know more about how her cancer was discovered just one month ago, immediately had surgery and is currently at St. Jude for chemo.
Please pray for Sophia. Her mommy, daddy and big sister, Olivia, need your prayers, too.

Thanks for posting these!
-friend of Wymers
These are beautiful...thanks for capturing some special moments for them!
-Tiffani's sister
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